A View From the Home
July 17, 2020
As we all know COVID-19 has been a focus of the world’s attention since early 2020. While the Home has not been immune from the effects of this deadly virus, we consider ourselves fortunate in terms of the effects it has had on our campus. For those that face the world with optimism, we try and look for silver linings. We at the Home have experienced many. We have witnessed the tenacity and fortitude of many of our residents who have endured the lengthy stays in their rooms and missed many celebrations with loved ones. They remind us with their long life and wisdom that they have experienced many hard times. They share their gratitude for all the care they have received from our dedicated and talented staff. They appreciate all the calls, letters and window visits they receive from loved ones.
We have witnessed the willingness of our staff to report to work even as they deal with their own family’s wellbeing. We watch as they fill different roles as the needs of our residents across the campus changed along with regulations and guidance. Unlike much of the nation’s workforce who have the ability to work from home, our health care workers, including all those employees who work on our campus remain on the front lines and working on site every day. Without the committed staff we would be unable to meet the care needs of our residents. We appreciate all the hard work and commitment of our staff.
We too have faced many challenges during this pandemic yet we remain committed to the health and safety of our residents and staff. We continue to face each day with new resolve and a fresh attitude towards new guidance and regulation moving forward in our fight against this disease. Of course, we not unlike many others in the world wait for an effective vaccine to be approved. However, in the meantime, we encourage our residents and staff to move forward each day, to stay engaged in daily activities, exercise and relationships in the best way we can.
Today more than ever we appreciate the support of all those who make it possible to deliver care to our residents on our campus as well as those services provided in the communities across Virginia in our Outreach Program. Thank you for your support!